It became a sort of tradition with me, especially when I stopped going out on New Year's Eve because I just couldn't deal with people anymore, for me to go out on New Year's Day and shop at Tower Records. Their claim was that they would only close on one day of the year, Christmas, and open late only twice a year a, Thanksgiving and New Year's. So since I wasn't trying to sleep on New Year's Day, I started going to Towers and wait for it to open. Because I thought, "Hey, the only way for me to try and start another dreadful year would be to go and spend some money on one of the few things I love to do and that's listening to music." So I would go to Tower Records, wait for it to opena nd then bang, stroll my ass in and just walk up and down every aisle and floor, looking for something funky, cool, rocking, different, magical. As usual, I would walk out with a bag load of CDs, just chomping at the bit to get home and unwrap the shrink wrap, get the damn tape off the CD and pop it into the player. I would just play one new CD after another while doing things around the house, letting the CDs fulfill the hope I had for them when I stared at the packaging or heard the sample clips at the listening stations.
Guess what, the balloon really popped this year. I got up on New Year's Day, looked outside and said, eh, I'll get the paper, get something to eat and come home. Maybe I'll surf the internet a little, read old e-mails, find a little porn. Just another day. The magic was gone with Tower Records closing. Sure I could have gone to Virgin or an FYE, but it wasn't the same. The selection just doesn't compare. So another little dream dies. All I can think is that that's the way it goes. Now where is that remote?
This is not me, I just like the picture of these guys letting loose in the store.
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