Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Read a book you moron or if reading is fundamental, then why aren't you born knowing how to read?

I used to love to read. I'm not saying I don't love to read now, it's just that for some reason, I used to read a lot and now I don't. I still read, just not books anymore. I read the newspapers everyday, two different ones usually. This I have done virtually everyday of my life. Even when I travel, I will buy the local paper and a USA Today to get the national news. And I read magazines, a bunch of them actually, but that doesn't really qualify, it's sports, entertainment and gaming. And I even still pick up and read the occasional comic book, although what they have done by collecting multiple issues to make "graphic novels" has been the easiest way to read comics lately. No, what I have basically completely cut out of my life have been good solid books. And I wonder why.
I was wondering when I stopped reading books and I think it was when I had to stop traveling and I finally was able to sleep. Let me explain. I used to have to take the train to school a lot. First in the Bronx (from Manhattan) and then to Brooklyn (again from Manhattan). There was about an hour to and hour and half ride. Sometimes I would sleep, but more often than not, I would read. So if you start adding the hours up, that's a lot of hours to just read for 5 days. Plus, I would read on the jobs after school and the weekend, driving and delivering stuff, I didn't drive so sometimes I would read if we were stuck in traffic or when we were just hanging out. So that was nice chunk of reading. Now, I work in the city, pretty close to home, about a 25 minute walk, so I walk, it's inconvenient to take any transportation, sucks ass in a snowstorm I can tell you that, but at least I'm getting some walking in. This of course cuts the reading, unless of course I want to smash into the idiot tourists, wait that may not be a bad idea, no I digress, I would more likely walk into an on coming taxi cab. Nonetheless, no reading while riding.
Now, more importantly, I also sleep slightly better than I used to. I've sort of had insomnia since I was about 13. Just couldn't sleep much at that point. I would lay down and not sleep. I would finally drift off somewhere around 3-4AM and inevitably wake up at 6AM whether I liked it or not. To this day, I still wake up at or around 6AM, sometimes I make it to 7AM, but somewhere in between is where I stand now. This is no matter what time I go to sleep unless it is really really late like 3 or 4AM. But again, that is now, back then, it was about 3AM or worse everyday. At first I would watch TV and hope boredom would put me out. Wrong, Cher and her beauty products were so damn fascinating, come on, you know what I'm talking about, admit it. After I had seen everyone of those and had to stop myself from buying every Ronco product on the market, I started to take walks outside. This didn't do anything to make me more tired but scared the hell out of my family when I would be opening the door at 3AM and they would hear it. And no, I wasn't afraid to go out, when I started to do this, I was probably about 15, where I clocked in at 5' 11" and 220. Also I was already staying out late at clubs and drinking heavily at this point. So, that wasn't working so I started reading at night also, figured I would at least be entertained. The added hours of reading allowed me to plow through a lot of books. I read everything, fiction, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, horror, history, science no poetry, but Greek tragedies. I read The Iliad and The Odyssey in one week. I read every Stephen King Book from Carrie to Different Seasons, in order, in about a month. I enjoyed it all. Bad or good. I would have my phases, from science fiction, to mysteries, to adventure, to horror, to biographies. This kind of lasted past college. Sometime after I finished my second college and finally got a degree, I actually started to sleep. Not great sleep, but sleep nonetheless. I would actually close my eyes at about 12Am and not really feel like waking up again, minus the pee breaks, oh come on, we all get up and pee at night, unless you're wearing depends, until about 6AM, see about 3 inches above for why if you forgot. Then even more, whenever I felt tired and laid down, I was finding it easier and easier to sleep. So, I would have to say that was when I was about to really start falling asleep normally. About 15 years of insomnia slowly went away. With it, since I was working all day and out drinking at night, the reading fell to the wayside. And eventually, I don't believe I read more than one or maybe two books a year. Oddly, I still bought a number of books, with the full intention of reading them. There are a few piles of unread books in the house. But I basically stopped reading whole books.
Recently, I have started to miss reading, mostly because I miss the thrill of books and what they do for you. There are more and more movies based on books rather than original screenplays. 9 out of 10 times the books are superior to the films. Not being a snob, I love films more than anything else, it's just that, reading the books helped you understand more of what was going on in the film. But more importantly, reading fuels the imagination. You have to picture what is occurring in the book, based on the descriptions and in that way you are your own director and film maker in your mind. What someone's vision of something in a book may differ from yours, not by much, but ever so slightly so you can make it yours. But you play the book out in your mind as you read, you become the creator of what is happening by reading. Like I said, it stirs the imagination and I find myself duller and duller lately. Not that I was ever all that exciting a person before, but I find myself staring at the TV and laughing at some of the worst things, and surfing the Internet for way too much porn, more and more. My time would be better spent picking up a book and reading a chapter or two. But then I'm afraid I won't be able to find the time to finish the book, what with my busy schedule of watching crap every night on TV. Freaking Rockstar and American Idol suck my soul.
Anywhos, I just wanted to say, read a book, it betters your mind. I wonder if wrestling is on?

1 comment:

Alix Lakehurst said...

I actually only read non-fiction now. It's fascinating reading about entertainers lives. Since I've gotten so involved with pop culture I don't read as much. It is sad. Today was the perfect day to curl up with a book. It rained in Chicago, the wind was incredible and the buildings swayed. I wanted to be as far away from the Sears Tower as possible. Luckily it didn't topple over onto my building.